Locavore Farmers’ Market
The Locavore Farmers’ Market is a Texas Department of Agriculture certified farmers’ market that will operate in Houston, Texas for the benefit of both farmers and customers.
When: The The Locavore Farmers’ Market is open year round, on the 3rd Saturday of every month (rain or shine!) from 9am – 1pm.
The market is a project of Lakewood UMC’s Neighborhood Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to helping small farmers in the local area.
The main goals of the market include:
-promoting the sustainable production, marketing, and consumption of local agricultural produce
-educating the community about local growing conditions and food crops as well as sustainable and organic growing practices
-promoting the nutritious locally grown produce and culinary benefits of eating local produce in season
-strengthening the local economy by redirecting consumers’ food dollars to local growers and producers
-incubating new, small, food-based businesses
-providing a community gathering place
The predominant product emphasis will be on locally-produced agricultural products.